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For general information, please e-mail us at info@thechaseison.com

The "60-Second Critic"
Please attempt to answer every question!

1. Please rate the following categories on a scale of 0 to 30:

Food Taste

Portion Size



2. What DID you like?

3. What DIDN'T you like?

4. What WOULD you like?

5. If you were in charge of the menu, what item would you add

for lunch?
for dinner?

6. If you consider yourself a regular customer, do you visit Steeplechase as often as you used to?   

If not, why not?

7. What is your favorite restaurant in Vidalia (other than Steeplechase)

What do they have that we don't?

8. How do our prices compare to those of your favorite restaurant?

9. If you could whisper one suggestion to the owner of Steeplechase, what would it be?

10. What prompted you to visit our restaurant? (Choose one)

If other, please specify:

11. If you were put "in charge" of Steeplechase tomorrow, what is the first change you would make?

Enter your e-mail address (optional):

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